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Bonnie Dunbar, M.D. Anderson Professor and director of the aerospace engineering program at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, has been invited to deliver the keynote address at the 2015 Expanding Your Horizons conference,…
Bonnie Dunbar Invited to Deliver Keynote Address at 2015 'Expanding Your Horizons' Conference
Hadi Ghasemi, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is relatively new to the Cullen College of Engineering, but his postdoctoral work performed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is making headlines even…
Mechanical Engineering Professor Makes Headlines with MIT Postdoctoral Research
Venkat “Selva” Selvamanickam, M.D. Anderson Chair Professor of mechanical engineering, has been named one of the first recipients of the inaugural 2014 IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Dr. James Wong…
Mechanical Engineering Professor Wins IEEE Award for Superconducting Materials Research
Extreme Environment Workshop: Design for Survival -- Where and When it Matters Most Take part in an interdisciplinary undergraduate/graduate level course which explores urgent habitation challenges which are both common and…
Extreme Environment Workshop for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, less than one of every four workers in a STEM field in the United States is a woman. The science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields are unequivocally male-dominated, and…
Grace Hopper Celebration Chooses UH Ph.D. Student for Conference Scholarship
The Cullen College of Engineering’s own Bonnie Dunbar, M.D. Anderson Professor of mechanical engineering and Director of Aerospace Engineering, was honored last month by the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, where…
Bonnie Dunbar Receives Honorary Doctorate of Science at University of Strathclyde's 2014 Commencement
In recent years, the Gulf Coast region has been tremendously affected by the landfall of large hurricanes. In 2005, Category 3 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, and in…
6th Annual Hurricane and Disasters Conference to be Held on August 1
The University of Houston’s colleges of business and engineering have gained new support from one of the city’s energy leaders, which has donated money to a variety of programs and student support services. Phillips 66, a Houston…
Phillips 66 Donation Strengthens Ties to University of Houston
The Cullen College of Engineering’s subsea engineering program was the focus of a new video piece produced by UH Energy featuring two subsea students, Nebolisa Egbunike and Megan Wood. The subsea engineering department at UH is…
New UH Video Spotlights Subsea Engineering Students
There are a handful of naturally occurring materials, known as piezoelectric materials, which generate electricity if you bend, stretch, or apply another mechanical force to them, and vice versa – if you apply a voltage across…
ME Chairman and Student Publish Paper on World's Thinnest Piezoelectric Material in Nature Communications
In the case of Kavita Selva, 14-year-old daughter of M.D. Anderson Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering Venkat Selvamanickam, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Selvamanickam, who also serves as director of the Texas…
Daughter of UH Superconductivity Expert Presents Project at White House Science Fair
Plenty of college students around the country are using the summer months to catch up on their favorite TV shows, work on their base tans and reconnect with old friends. For one Cullen College junior, however, these three months…
SURF Provides Undergrad Research Opportunity for Cullen College Junior
The National Science Foundation (NSF) was created by the U.S. Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science and its applications in national functions like healthcare and defense. In the 64 years since its inception, NSF…
Ph.D. Student Earns Honorable Mention from NSF
Haleh Ardebili, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, has won a one-year, $10,000 New Investigator Award from the NASA Texas Space Center Grant Consortium to develop flexible,…
Mechanical Engineering Professor Wins New Investigator Award From NASA Texas Space Center Grant Consortium
Three crew members currently aboard the International Space Station are scheduled to end more than six months on the orbiting laboratory Tuesday, May 13 (U.S. time), and NASA TV will provide complete coverage of their return to…
NASA TV to Air Expedition 39’s Return From ISS Today!
Although still a relatively new program to the UH Cullen College of Engineering, the subsea engineering program is already a major player in worldwide subsea engineering education, technological development and policymaking. The…
Subsea Engineering Program Major Player in 2014 Offshore Technology Conference
Each spring, the University of Houston recognizes exceptional faculty member across the university at the annual UH Faculty Excellence Awards Ceremony. This year, nine Cullen College of Engineering faculty members were honored…
Cullen College Faculty Awarded by University
Gangbing Song, a professor in the Cullen College of Engineering’s department of mechanical engineering, measures his achievements in one distinct way. “My students’ success is my success,” he said. But now, his success can be…
ME Faculty Named Moores Professor
The second installment of this semester’s Rockwell Distinguished Lecture Series last Friday was a packed-house event. “Soft Materials and Soft Machines” was presented by Harvard’s Zhighang Suo, Allen E. and Marilyn M. Puckett…
PHOTOS: Rockwell Lecture "Soft Materials and Soft Machines"
The sun broke through the morning clouds just in time for over 120 golfers to tee off at the 25th annual Cullen College of Engineering golf tournament on Monday, April 7. The golf tournament, sponsored this year by LJA…
PHOTOS: 25th Annual Golf Tournament Tees Off