
- Physics-based machine learning: Study energy transport phenomena using machine learning tools to discover new material architecture for thermal management of photonics and electronics
- Surface physics and coating materials: Study physics of interactions between external objectives (Ice, frost, dust, scale, bacteria and bio species) with a surface and development of durable coating materials including anti-icing, anti-frosting, anti-fouling, anti-scaling, anti-microbial and anti-biofouling
- Interfacial Energy Transport: Study of energy transfer at interfaces between different phases or materials, focusing on the impact of these interfaces on overall system performance.
- Sustainable Energies (Solar and Hydrogen Energy): Research into solar energy technologies and methods for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of solar power generation. Research on materials for safe hydrogen storage and transport.
- Physics of Wetting: Analysis of how liquids spread on or interact with surfaces, including contact angles, spreading dynamics, and related phenomena.
- Physics of Adsorption: Study of how molecules adhere to surfaces, including adsorption processes and their effects on material properties and applications.
Senior Member of National Academy of Inventors (2022)
Rising Innovator Award (2021)
Cullen College Professorship (2020)
Second place winner of Texas New Venture Competition (2019)
TEEX Product Development Center Prize (2019)
Early Innovator Award (2019)
University Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award (2019)
Co-Founder of Elemental Coatings Company (2018)
College Research Excellence Award (2018)
NASA iTech Top Three Innovator (2017)
University Teaching Excellence Award (2017)
Bill D. Cook Professorship (2016)
AFOSR Young Investigator Award (YIP) (2016)
College Teaching Excellence Award, UH (2016)
Finalist for World Technology Award in Energy Category (2014)
Vice Chair, Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability (NEES) Steering Committee of ASME, 2015-2017
Topic Organizer, Micro-Nano Poster Forum, IMECE 2015 and IMECE 2016
Guest Editor, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine (JNEM)
Topic Organizer, IMECE 2014, IMECE 2015, IMECE 2016, ICNMM 2016, ICNMM 2017
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Member, American Physical Society (APS)
Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Reviewer: Nature, Science, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Sustainability, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, PNAS, Joule and others
Selected Publications
- Firuznia, R., Jahanbakhsh, A., Nazifi, S., Ghasemi, H. (2024). Hydrogen Solubility in Confined Water. Langmuir, 40(9), 4702–4708.
- Jahanbakhsh, A., Firuznia, R., Nazifi, S., Ghasemi, H. (2024). Physics-informed neural network for thin-film evaporation in hierarchical structures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 224, 125296.
- Nazifi, S., Hakimian, A., Ghasemi, H. (2024). Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Nanoscopic Ice Nucleation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(11), 4854–4858.
- Firuznia, R., Abutalib, A., Hakimian, A., Rimer, J.D., Ghasemi, H. (2023). High-capacity hydrogen storage through molecularly restructured and confined hydrogen hydrates. Materials Today Physics, 38, 101248.
- Nazifi, S., Firuznia, R., Huang, Z., Jahanbakhsh, A., Ghasemi, H. (2023). Predictive model of ice adhesion on non-elastomeric materials. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 648, 481–487.
- Hakimian A, Mohebinia M, Nazari M, Davoodabadi A, Nazifi S, Huang Z, Bao J, Ghasemi H. Freezing of few nanometers water droplets. Nature Communications, Nature Communications, 12, 6973, 2021
- Peyman Irajizad, Abdullah Al-Bayati, Bahareh Eslami, Taha Shafquat, Masoumeh Nazari, Parham Jafari, Varun Kashyap, Ali Masoudi, Daniel Araya and Hadi Ghasemi, “Stress-Localized Durable Icephobic Surfaces”, Materials Horizons, 6, 758-766, 2019.
- Irajizad P, Hasnain M, Farokhnia N, Sajadi S, Ghasemi H. “Magnetic slippery extreme icephobic surfaces”. Nature Communications. Nature Communications, 7, 13395, 2016.
- Ghasemi H, Ni G, Marconnet A, Loomis J, Yerci S, Miljkovic N, Chen G. “Solar steam generation by heat localization”. Nature Communications, 5:4449, 2014.
- Lee S, Yang Y, Lee H, Ghasemi H, Kraemer D, Chen G, Cui Y. “An electrochemical system for efficiently harvesting low-grade heat energy”. Nature Communications, 5:3942, 2014.
- P12. Hadi Ghasemi and Jeffrey D. Rimer, ”High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage by Molecularly Re- structured and Confined Hydrogen Hydrates”, US application 63/450,606, Pending.
- P11. Hadi Ghasemi and Rojan Firuznia, ”High Capacity Hydrogen Storage through Selective Nano- Confined and Localized Hydrogen Hydrates ”, US application 63230081. Pending.
- P10. Hadi Ghasemi, Brian Huskinson, Sahar Qavi, “Polyurethane-based ice shedding coatings“, US Application, 2020. Pending.
- P9. Hadi Ghasemi, Zixu Huang, “ Scalable Inter-diffused zwitterioinic polyurethanes for durable antibacterial coatings“, US Application, 63134780, 2020.
- P8. Hadi Ghasemi, Varun Kashyap, Siwakorn Sakunkaewkasem, T. Randall Lee, “Systems and Methods for full spectrum solar thermal energy harvesting and storage by molecular and phase change material hybrids“, US Application, 62866794, 2019.
- P7. Hadi Ghasemi, Varun Kashyap, Riddhiman Medhi, T. Randall Lee. “Materials, Systems, and Methods for CO2 Capture and Conversion”, US Application 62/624333, 2018. (UH Patent).
- P6. Hadi Ghasemi, Peyman Irajizad, Abdullah Al-Bayati. “Nano-Viscoelastic Anti-Icing Surfaces”, US Application 62/572708, 2017. (UH Patent)
- P5. Hadi Ghasemi, Peyman Irajizad, Munib Hasnain. “Magnetic Icephobic Surfaces”, United States Application 62/313893, 2016. (UH Patent)
- P4. Svetlana Boriskina, Kenneth McEnaney, Hadi Ghasemi, Selcuk Yerci, Andrej Lenert, Sungwoo Yang, Evelyn Wang, and Gang Chen. “Internally-Heated Thermal and Externally-Cool Photovoltaic Cascade Solar System for Full Solar Spectrum Utilization”, US Application: 61/868715, 2014.
- P3. Gang Chen, Hadi Ghasemi, Xiaopeng Huang, James Loomis, Jonathan Tong, and Jianjian Wang. “A Continuous Platform for Fabrication of Aligned Polymer Films”, United States 61/989588, 2013.
- P2. Seok Woo Lee, Yuan Yang, Hadi Ghasemi, Yi Cui, and Gang Chen. “An Electrochemical System for Highly Efficient Harvesting of Low-Grade Heat Energy”, US Patent 9559388.
- P1. Hadi Ghasemi, Amy Marie Marconnet, and Gang Chen. “Localized Solar Collectors”, US Patent 9459024.