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The Cullen College of Engineering’s Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) and its space architecture degree program might be the University of Houston’s unintentionally-best-kept secret. “Houston is…
Space Architecture at UH: What Makes a House (Or a Lunar Base Camp) a Home?
Mechanical engineering junior Rasheed Korayem, director of communications, and mechanical engineering technology senior Rohit Amaravadi, vice president, know that first place isn’t won in a day. Texas Autocross Weekend 2024…
Society of Automotive Engineers at UH Keeps Pace at Texas Autocross Weekend, Looks to the Future
A team of graduates and soon-to-graduate students in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Cullen College of Engineering are being recognized for the work done on their capstone project on rupture disk devices. Johan John…
Four MAE students recognized for capstone project
As the 2024-25 Faculty Senate President at the University of Houston, Holley Love brings a wealth of experience and leadership to the role. A lifelong Houston Cougar, Love’s connection to UH runs as deep as her commitment to its…
MAE's Love elected UH Faculty Senate president
NASA is awarding the University of Houston $1.2 million to grow diversity initiatives in STEM and aerospace-related engineering fields and address barriers to access and success for historically underserved and underrepresented…
NASA Awards UH $1.2 Million to Strengthen Diversity in STEM and Aerospace Engineering
New Eye Sensors Use Special Material That Generates Electricity When It Bends A University of Houston engineering team has developed wearable sensors to examine eye movement to assess brain disorders or damage to the brain. Many…
Improving Eye Tracking to Assess Brain Disorders
Jian Chen and Thomas "Tico" Hannan of the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering were awarded the inaugural university-level Genspiration Prize at the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) 13th Annual Conference in…
National Academy of Inventors Honors UH MAE Student Innovators with Inaugural Genspiration Prize
Anurag, an Indian Institute of Technology Delhi chemical engineering undergraduate student affiliated with Marzia Cescon's lab and multidisciplinary research group, has been awarded the Diabetes Technology Society's Bronze…
MAE Student Researcher Awarded by Diabetes Technology Society
Associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering Ashutosh Agrawal, Ph.D., is putting a newly-awarded $334,569 grant from the National Science Foundation toward the study of "Mechanics of Optimal Biomimetic Torene…
MAE's Agrawal Exploring New Geometric Design with Diverse Engineering Applications
Yashashree Kulkarni, the Bill D. Cook Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering, has received the 2024 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)…
UH MAE’s Yashashree Kulkarni Wins 2024 ASME Materials Division Centennial Mid-Career Award
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) at the University of Houston has been awarded the ASME Student Section Achievement Award for 2023-2024. ASME-UH is "a professional student organization that aims to lead…
ASME-UH Wins Student Section Achievement Award
David C. Zimmerman Assistant Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Marzia Cescon, Ph.D., has been awarded $370,774 of a total $802,774 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in a joint project with Arizona State…
MAE's Cescon Using NSF Grant to Investigate Digital Twins for Healthcare Applications
The Cullen College of Engineering will celebrate six distinguished award winners at the inaugural 2024 Cullen Gala. This year’s event will be held on Thursday, October 10 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. For more information, and to…
The Cullen College Honoring Six At Inaugural Cullen Gala
Moores Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Chair Karolos Grigoriadis has had quite the year. After nearly three decades as a faculty member of Cullen College's Mechanical…
The New Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department: A Year in the Life of Chair Karolos Grigoriadis
Four students from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering have earned prestigious internships from the Air Force Research Laboratory. With a staff of…
Four MAE students earn summer internships at AFRL
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering is now the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. This change reflects a strengthened commitment to aerospace and…
Mechanical Engineering Department Changes Name
The University of Houston Cullen College Engineering is proud to name Karolos Grigoriadis, Moores Professor of Mechanical Engineering, as the new Chair of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, effective July 1. A…
Grigoriadis Named New Chair For The Department Of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
HOUSTON — Houston Swimming & Diving senior diver Hedda Grelz was named the Big 12 Women's Swimming & Diving Co-Scholar-Athlete of the Year, the league announced Wednesday. Grelz, a Spring 2024 graduate with a degree in…
ME grad Grelz named Big 12 Women's Swimming & Diving Co-Scholar-Athlete of the Year
For Pradeep Sharma, the Cullen College of Engineering has literally been a second home. The 20-year University of Houston faculty member has spent countless hours engaged in research, teaching, mentorship and other activities…
Sharma Named Dean of UH Cullen College of Engineering
A professor at the Cullen College of Engineering is part of a multi-million dollar research effort led by the University of Nevada that aims to decarbonize domestic iron and steel production. Ben Xu, an assistant professor in the…
ME's Xu part of $2M research into iron, steel production decarbonization