
Dr. Shailendra Joshi
Kalsi Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringDirector of Graduate Admissions
Office Location N233 Engineering Building 1
Phone 713-743-6930
Fax 713-743-4503
Email shailendra [at] uh.edu
Post-Doc, 2005-2008: Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Ph.D., 2002: Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
M.E., 1996: Structural Engineering, University of Pune (India)
B.E., 1995: Civil Engineering, University of Pune (India)
Professional Experience
Feb. 2018-present: Bill D. Cook Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston
June 2016: Visiting Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Jan. 2015-Jan. 2018: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
June 2008-Dec. 2014: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore
June 2008-present: Faculty Associate, Engineering Science Programme, National University of Singapore
May 2005-May 2008: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
July 2003-May 2005: Mechanical Engineer, GE-India Technology Centre (India)
Jan. 2003-June 2003: Structural Design Associate, Composites Design and Technology (India)
May 2002-Nov. 2002: Visiting Scientist, Universität Stuttgart (Germany)
Dec. 1998-Aug. 2002: Research Assistant, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (India)
Dec. 1997-Dec. 1998: Project Engineer, Engineering Mechanics Research (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Aug. 1996-Dec. 1997: Structural Design Engineer, Delcons Structural Consultants (India)
Professional and Scientific Affiliations
Editorial Board Member: Materials Science and Engineering: A (Elsevier)
Reviewer: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Mechanics of Materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, International Journal of Plasticity, International Journal of Fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, Computational Materials Science, Smart Materials and Structures, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Acta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, Small, Carbon, Materials Science and Engineering-A, Scripta Materialia, Composites Science and Technology, Materials Characterization, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions-A, International Journal of Impact Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, International Journal of Applied Mechanics
External PhD Dissertation Referee: 2015: PhD thesis examiner of Mr. Seyed Mortazavi Ghazvini (Monash University), 2016: PhD thesis examiner of Mr. Yuefeng Yin (Monash University)
Co-chairman: 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM23), October 2-4, 2013, Singapore. The workshop was attended by more than one hundred researchers from nearly fifteen countries.
Member: Society of Engineering Science (SES)
Member: Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM)
Member: American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Member: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
Judge: Student presentation competition at SES 50th Annual Technical Meeting and ASME-AMD Annual Summer Meeting, Brown University, USA (July 28-31, 2013)
Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) Academic Affairs Committee (ME)
Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) Joint Academic Committee (Engineering Science Programme)
Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) Graduate Studies Committee (ME)
Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) Curriculum Committee (Engineering Science Programme)
Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) PhD Interview Committee (Faculty-wide)
Co-organizer and Coordinator: NUS (National University of Singapore) Computational Modeling and Optimization Special Interest Group in Faculty of Engineering (2016), ME Brown-bag Faculty Seminar Series (2012-2014)
Committee Member: NUS (National University of Singapore) NUS-ME PhD Thesis Defense, Graduate Qualifying Exams, UG-Final Year Projects
Courses Taught
ESP2106 Principles of Continua (Lecture, Tutorial - AY 08/09 - AY 16/17)
ESP3206/ESP4206 Continuum Mechanics (Lecture, Tutorial - AY 08/09 - AY 16/17)
EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials (Tutorial - AY 13/14)
ME530.418 Aerospace Structures and Materials (Fall 2007, at Johns Hopkins University)
ME530.215 Mechanics Based Design (Spring 2007, with Prof. K.T. Ramesh at Johns Hopkins University)
ME5103 Plates and Shells (Lecture - AY 15/16)
ME6101 Research Topics in Applied Mechanics (Lecture - AY 12/13, AY 14/15, AY 16/17)
ME6107 Plasticity and Inelastic Deformations (Lecture - AY 13/14)
ME530.602 Mechanics of Solids (Spring 2007, with Prof. Sean Sun at Johns Hopkins University)
Research Interests
- Mechanics of Advanced Materials
- Computational and Experimental Mechanics
- Multi-scale Failure Processes
Awards & Honors
Bill D. Cook Faculty Fellowship (2018-2023), University of Houston
Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (Honors List) (2014-2015), National University of Singapore
Engineering Science Programme Teaching Commendation (2014-2015), National University of Singapore
Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation (2013-2014), National University of Singapore
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification (2004), GE-India Technology Centre (India)
Fellowship Under Fast Track Proposals for Young Scientists (2003), Department of Science and Technology (India)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR) Fellowship (2002), Universität Stuttgart (Germany)
Selected Publications
- Shahmeer Baweja & Shailendra P. Joshi. “Microstructural effects in rate-dependent responses of smooth and notched magnesium bars.” Mechanics of Materials, 189, 104877 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmat.2023.104877.
- Datta, S., & Joshi, S.P. “Void growth and coalescence in sigmoidal hardening porous plastic solids under tensile and shear loading.” International Journal of Fracture, 247, 167–182 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10704-024-00768-5.
- Srinivas Selvaraju, Shailendra P. Joshi, & Nikhil Karanjgaokar. “Viscoelastic mechanics of two-dimensional granular lattices.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 185, 105574 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105574.
- Shahmeer Baweja & Shailendra P. Joshi. “Three-dimensional computational characterization of grain size and texture effects in magnesium alloys.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 11(10), 3657–3672 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2023.09.014.
- Padmeya P. Indurkar & Shailendra P. Joshi. “A mechanism-based multisurface plasticity model for hexagonal close-packed materials with detailed validation and assessment.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 176, 105302 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105302.
- Padmeya P. Indurkar, Shailendra P. Joshi, & A. Amine Benzerga. “On twinning-mediated void growth in hexagonal crystals.” International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 21(2) (2023).
- Padmeya P. Indurkar, Shailendra P. Joshi, & A. Amine Benzerga. “On the micromechanics of void mediated failure in HCP crystals.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 165, 104923 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2022.104923.
- Kartikey Joshi & Shailendra P. Joshi. “On the micromechanics of voids in nanotwinned materials.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 165, 104887 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2022.104887.
- Babak Ravaji & Shailendra P. Joshi. “A crystal plasticity investigation of grain size-texture interaction in magnesium alloys.” Acta Materialia, 208, 116743 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116743.
- Padmeya P. Indurkar, Shahmeer Baweja, Robert Perez, & Shailendra P. Joshi. “Predicting textural variability effects in the anisotropic plasticity and stability of hexagonal metals: Application to magnesium and its alloys.” International Journal of Plasticity, 132, 102762 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102762.
- Apparatus and Method for Producing Embossed Film (US 2008/000131 A1)
Assignee: General Electric Company
Inventors: Jain, S.S., Acharya, N., Joshi, S.P., Dias, A., Vaish, N. - Digital X-Ray Detectors (US 2008/0078939 A1)
Assignee: General Electric Company
Inventors: Hennessey, W.H., Amm, B., Castleberry, D., Talya, S.S., Gaikwad, V.V., Joshi, S.P., Vafi, H., and Utschig, M.J. - System and Method for Forming Textured Polymeric Films (US 2007/0001333 A1)
Assignee: General Electric Company
Inventors: Dias, A., Harikumar, H.K., Acharya, N., Jain, S.S., Patil, M.M., Joshi, S.P., Tatterson, R.L.