
- Superconductor thin film tapes and wires
- Epitaxial thin film growth by PVD and CVD
- Single crystalline films on polycrystalline/amorphous substrates
- Oxide & nitride materials
- Roll-to-roll thin film coatings on flexible substrates
- In-line/In-situ metrology techniques
- Electromagnetic and electromechanical properties — especially at cryogenic temperatures
- Control of nano-scale interfacial and bulk defects
- Texture evolution and grain boundary control
- Nucleation and growth kinetics in vapor phase and liquid phase growth
- Microstructure control in metal additive manufacturing
Research Highlights:
- Developed epitaxial thin film superconductor tapes with engineered nanoscale defects to quadruple performance to world record levels. This technology was successfully transferred to industry and commercialized in 2010. (Royalty-paying license agreement, R&D100 awards, ARPA-E $4M award)
- Created a unique Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) process and equipment to manufacture thin film superconductor tapes with superior electrical performance, including world records for the highest critical currents (4x better than commercial superconductor tapes). Scaled up technology to 50-meter lengths with novel in-line quality control methods. Enhanced technology for double-sided, defect-tolerant superconductor tapes (DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office $4.5M award, $2M ARPA-E award (2023), $1.5M ARPA-E award (2020), $200,000 CABLE Conductor Manufacturing Prize)
- Demonstrated technology to fabricate ultra-small diameter round superconductor wires with high current densities, using a new symmetric tape architecture that can be wound on 5x smaller diameter than state-of-the-art. Implemented round superconductor wires in magnets being developed for particle accelerators. Founded a startup company to manufacture and commercialize this technology. ($8.15M Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards)
- Developed single crystalline-like semiconductor films exhibiting high mobility (>1100 cm²/Vs) on metal and flexible glass substrates. This technology is now used for low-cost, high-efficiency photovoltaics and high-performance flexible electronics devices (DOE $1.5M award).
- Created a new metrology technique based on 2D X-ray Diffraction for real-time quality control of metal additive manufacturing by Directed Energy Deposition (~$1M NIST award).
- Innovated thin film processing techniques for hetero-epitaxial growth of complex oxide, nitride, silicide, metal, and semiconductor materials on flexible metal substrates.
- Developed a novel crystal growth technique to produce large single-crystalline superconductors with world-record critical current performance in bulk ceramics.
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 2018
Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors (NAI), 2014: Inducted for outstanding inventions that have significantly impacted quality of life, economic development, and societal welfare.
Presidential Early Career Achievement for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) Award, 1996: The highest honor bestowed by the U.S. Government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers.
IEEE Dr. James Wong Award, 2014: For continuing and significant contributions to applied superconductivity materials technology.
Superconductor Industry Person of the Year, 2004: Awarded by Superconductor Week for achievements in science & technology, advocacy, leadership, and promotion of technology.
R&D 100 Awards, 2007, 2010, 2012: In collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory for innovative superconductor wire architectures.
CABLE Conductor Manufacturing Prize, 2023: $200,000 cash prize from the U.S. Department of Energy for improved conductors supporting widespread electrification.
Two Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Awards, 2008: In collaboration with Los Alamos and Oak Ridge National Laboratories.
Top Forty Business Leaders Under Forty, 2004: Named by Business Review magazine in a competitive selection process
Wire and Cable Technology International Award, 2009: For development and transition to manufacturing of thin film (second-generation) HTS wire technology.
Fluor-Daniel Award, 2015: Highest award given by the Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston.
Career Innovator Award, 2019: Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston.
Distinguished Alumni Award, 2014: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India.
Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award, Professor Level, 2014: University of Houston.
Entrepreneur/Innovation Award, 2013: Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, for introducing new technologies that increased efficiency and productivity.
Dukler Distinguished Faculty Award, 2016: Engineering Alumni Association.
Senior Researcher Award, 2012: College of Engineering, University of Houston.
Ranking as #1 or #2 Technology Developer, 2002-2010: Led organization to top rankings among all technology developers in the U.S., as evaluated by an independent peer review panel under the U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery.
Chosen by Houston Chronicle: Recognized as one of “11 of the Greater Houston Area’s Top Scientific Minds” for authoring articles on promising technologies for the coming years.
Advanced Superconductor Manufacturing Institute (ASMI):
- Created and leading the development of ASMI, a national 501(c)(3) non-profit entity.
- Attracted 40 companies for the consortium and lead a steering committee with industry and national laboratory members.
- Secured $500k funding from NIST for consortium building under the AMTech program; selected as one of 16 recipients from 118 applicants.
- Organized two workshops with over 50 participants each nationwide to develop commercialization roadmaps for superconductors.
- Led submission of a $70M proposal to NIST to fund ASMI, attracting over $150M in cost-share commitments, primarily from industry. Proposal was selected as a finalist by NIST.
Next Generation Electric Machines and Systems for Clean Emissions (Next Electric):
- Created and led this roadmapping project funded by NIST.
- Established a consortium of 40 institutions, including 24 companies, to develop the roadmap.
Editorial and Advisory Roles:
- Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions of Applied Superconductivity.
- Advisory Editorial Board member of Superconductivity, an Elsevier journal.
- Member of the IEEE Fellow selection committee for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2024.
- Member of the National Academy of Inventors Fellow Advisory Committee for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
- Member of the IEEE Special Awards Committee (2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024); Chair in 2015, 2021, and 2022.
Conference and Workshop Roles:
- Chair and Host of the 2023 International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications.
- Member of Organizing/Steering Committees for the International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications (2003–2025), International Symposium on Superconductivity (2016–2024), Applied Superconductivity Conference, MRS International Workshop on HTS, MS&T Conference, and U.S. DOE Wire Development Workshops (2000–2007).
Global and National Panels:
- Convener of the Superconductivity Global Initiative, 2023.
- Panel member of the Energy Braintrust forum at the 40th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference, Washington D.C., September 2010. Other panelists included Dr. Kristina Johnson, Under Secretary of Energy, and Admiral Thad Allen, National Incident Commander for Deepwater Horizon.
- Served on multiple National Science Foundation panel reviews.
- One of nine international panelists for selecting the Superconductivity Industry Person of the Year in 2005 and 2006.
Publications and Presentations:
- Papers:
- Published 311 papers.
- 188 papers published since joining the University of Houston in January 2009.
- 144 papers co-authored with UH students.
- Book Editing:
- Editor of the book Flux Pinning and AC Losses.
- Conference Presentations and Seminars:
- 307 conference presentations and external seminars since joining UH.
- Includes 154 invited presentations/seminars and seven plenary/keynote presentations.
Patents, Technology Transfer, and Commercialization:
- Patents:
- 65 issued U.S. patents.
- Over 100 issued international patents.
- Licensing and Technology Transfer:
- Executed a license agreement with an industrial partner with royalty payments.
- Startup and Technology Development:
- Founder and CEO of AMPeers LLC.
- Received $8.15M in Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards for scaling up technology on round superconductor wires to manufacturing and developing innovative technologies on defect-tolerant superconductor wires and neutron-irradiation-tolerant superconductors, in collaboration with the University of Houston.
- Industrial Partnerships:
- Attracted SuperPower as an industrial partner to establish operations at the UH Energy Research Park.
- Sponsored Research Agreements with Microsoft, Mitsubishi Materials, Applied Materials, Bruker, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
- Joint federally-funded projects with ABB, SPX, TECO-Westinghouse, SuperPower, e2P Solutions, AMPeers, HyperTech, MetOx International, American Maglev, Hi-Z Technology, Ampulse