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The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has chosen two mechanical engineering students as Outstanding Senior and Junior for the 2012-2013 academic year. Senior John Alred and junior Ryan Hannemann were selected…
Cullen College Names 2012-2013 Outstanding Students
Bonnie Dunbar, a retired astronaut, National Academy of Engineering Member and alumna of the Cullen College of Engineering, has joined the University of Houston as leader of a new STEM Center. The center will build upon programs…
College Welcomes Bonnie Dunbar, Retired Astronaut & NAE Member
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering put up a perfect record in the highly competitive 2012 CAREER Award competition, getting six winners on six applications. Now, the college is off to a strong start for 2013…
Professor Wins CAREER Award to Develop Flexible, Stretchable Batteries
Soldiers wounded in battle may one day owe their lives to research being conducted at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. Karolos Grigoriadis and Matt Franchek, both professors in the college’s mechanical…
Researchers Developing Automated Battlefield Drug Delivery System
Pradeep Sharma, chairman of mechanical engineering at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fellow is the highest elected membership…
ME's Sharma Named ASME Fellow
A wind energy research team led by the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has made such rapid progress in its work that it has received an accelerated grant extension along with a $900,000 increase in total…
Wind Energy Project Wins Early Extension, Bump in Funding from ARPA-E
With engine emissions requirements as strict as ever and federally mandated fuel economy standards set to rise, the National Science Foundation has awarded professors at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering $…
Grant Seeks to Further Research on Improved Fuel Efficiency and Emissions
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has received approval from the State of Texas to offer the nation’s first and only Master’s degree program in subsea engineering. The program focuses on the design and…
College Offering Nation’s First and Only Subsea M.S.
Computing power’s decades-long rise has been both steady and astounding, but for this rise to continue researchers must grapple with some fundamental challenges. Among these is heat. As devices become more compact and powerful,…
Professor Uses Nanowires to Cool Electronics
For undergraduates seeking an enriched academic experience, spending a summer conducting research opens a world of opportunities. Students from the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering who are on the track to…
Engineering Research Gives Undergrads an Academic Boost
It sounds like the setup to a bad joke: How many engineers does it take to boil water? Actually, to do so as efficiently as possible, it takes two (plus their research teams). The two in question are Dong Liu and Paul Ruchhoeft,…
Cooling System Research Wins NSF Support
Friends and colleagues gathered to honor Professor Larry Witte at a reception this month, celebrating his exemplary career of 45 years at the University of Houston. Witte joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1967 as…
Longtime Mechanical Engineering Professor Larry Witte Retires
They are called the Oscars of the science world, and a professor with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has just won his second in three years. Venkat Selvamanickam, MD Anderson Chair Professor of Mechanical…
Selvamanickam Wins Second R&D 100 Award in Three Years
The defining characteristic of nanotechnology, where devices and their features are measured in billionths of a meter, is size. But size isn’t the only thing that sets the nano-realm apart. Materials and devices can behave…
Paper Outlines First Observation of Nano-scale Phenomenon
The University of Houston has awarded Gangbing Song, professor of mechanical engineering in the Cullen College of Engineering, a 2012 Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award. Pradeep Sharma, chairman of the mechanical…
Song Wins Research Award from UH
John Lienhard, M. D. Anderson Professor Emeritus of Technology and Culture with the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering, is no stranger to mass media. He has been broadcast thousands of times on public ratio…
Lienhard’s Inventing Modern Featured by Amazon
From finding directions to making phone calls, working on laptops to driving hybrid and electric cars, much of life is lived through battery-powered devices. It’s no surprise, then, that developing better batteries is a major…
Researcher Improves Batteries through Hybrid Nanoparticles
David Zimmerman, a professor in the Cullen College of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, passed away Tuesday, April 10, 2012. Zimmerman earned his doctorate, master’s and bachelor’s degrees in mechanical…
College Mourns Passing of ME Professor David Zimmerman
A team of four undergraduates in the UH Cullen College of Engineering have been named semi-finalists for the MIT Clean Energy Prize, an energy innovation competition. This is the first time that UH has been represented in the…
Engineering Undergrads Represent UH in Energy Innovation Challenge
Cullen College Professor of Mechanical Engineering Gangbing Song has been named the recipient of the 2012 Outstanding Professional Service Award from the Aerospace Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The award is…
ASCE Honors Professor Song for Aerospace Service