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Clean energy research in the UH Cullen College of Engineering was the subject of a front page story in last Sunday's Houston Chronicle, which explores why the city of Houston is failing to draw new tech ventures for a world…
Is Houston Missing the Next Energy Wave? Houston Chronicle Features the UH Engineers Who Are On the Case
Doctoral candidate Sara Pouladi won the Best Poster Award for her work on thin film solar cells at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in Washington D.C. Titled “Flexible GaAs single-junction solar cells based on…
Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. Student Brings Home Poster Prize
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has announced its distinguished speakers for the 2017-2018 Rockwell Lecture Series, which brings world-renowned engineers and scientists to the UH campus each year to…
UH Engineering Announces Speakers for 2017-18 Rockwell Lecture Series
For ten weeks during the summer, 12 undergraduate students from across the country are getting the chance of a lifetime on the UH campus, becoming engineering researchers in the Cullen College’s Research Experience for…
The Research Experience For Undergrads Inspires Students
Andrea Prosperetti, Distinguished Professor of mechanical engineering, takes pride in discovering talent in unusual places. Like, for instance, the pool of freshman students at the UH Cullen College of Engineering and the College…
Andrea Prosperetti: In A Different Class
As many times as Hadi Ghasemi thought about wood frogs, a cold, hard fact seemed to hop out at him: They can tolerate freezing of more than half their body’s fluids and still survive, even in the winter. So the Bill D. Cook…
Hadi Ghasemi Wins Top NASA Prize For His Frog-Inspired Surface
More than 500 guests honored the memory and legacy of dedicated UH alumnus and long-time supporter William A. Brookshire at a memorial service held in his honor this summer. The Brookshire Memorial Service was held at the UH…
College Holds Memorial for Dedicated Alumnus and Supporter William A. Brookshire
In a continued effort to promote international collaboration in engineering research and academics, the UH Cullen College of Engineering has entered into an articulation agreement with Delhi Technological University in New Delhi…
UH Engineering Signs Articulation Agreement With Delhi Technological University
For the second year in a row, a Cullen College graduate student has won a prestigious award in the field of superconductivity. Meysam Heydari Gharahcheshmeh, a materials engineering doctoral student, received a 2017 graduate…
Doctoral Student Wins IEEE Superconductivity Award Second Year in a Row
Supersonic aircraft travel faster than the speed of sound but these planes aren’t likely candidates for commercial use because of their supersonic noise. Mechanical engineering professor Theocharis Baxevanis is working with…
Transforming Supersonic Aircraft for Commercial Use
Inspired by the UH chapter of eNABLE, a group that provides 3D-printed prosthetic hands to those in need, Alief ISD students spent their summer days designing and building prosthetic hands using blueprints posted online by the UH…
Alief ISD Students Donate Prosthetic Hands to UH eNABLE Chapter
The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST) released findings Monday from its Shale Task Force, chaired by UH petroleum engineering professor and National Academy of Engineering member Christine Ehlig-…
Christine Ehlig-Economides Chairs TAMEST Shale Task Force on Environmental and Community Impacts of Shale Development in Texas
For much of his career, Andrea Prosperetti has been called “Mr. Bubble” by his students for his intense focus on multiphase flows including bubble dynamics and cavitation, the formation of bubbles in a liquid. With more than 8,…
Cullen College Engineer Wins International Acclaim From Organization Whose Early Membership Included Galileo
The Gulf Coast has been spared a major hurricane in the past few years, but as most Houstonians know all-too-well, the wrath of Mother Nature is never far away. That’s why Cumaraswamy “Vipu” Vipulanandan, director of the Texas…
UH Engineer to Host Conference on Hurricane and Disaster Preparation and Recovery
Even among the largest oil and gas organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide, Phaneendra Kondapi stands out. The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Gulf Coast North America Region…
New Cullen College Engineering Programs Director Honored With Dual Awards From SPE
Bill D. Cook Assistant Professor of mechanical engineering Hadi Ghasemi is freezing out the competition at the NASA iTech Cycle 2. Inspired by North American wood frogs, Ghasemi invented a new anti-icing material that can…
Hadi Ghasemi’s Frog-Inspired Adaptive Surface Places in the Top Ten at NASA iTech Competition
Of the almost 5,000 species of frogs around the world, one of them hops immediately to Hadi Ghasemi’s attention. You might wonder why the Bill D. Cook Assistant Professor of mechanical engineering has amphibians on his mind when…
North American Wood Frog Inspires Hadi Ghasemi to Invent New Adaptive Surface
When it comes to success in engineering studies, the data is clear: the better students do in their first-year core classes, the higher the chances that they will complete their engineering degrees. That’s why the First Year…
Photos: First-Year Students Shine at First Year Experience Summit
When Yashashree Kulkarni isn’t singing opera (her latest pursuit), the associate professor of mechanical engineering is singing the praises of twinning, the process by which interfaces known as twin boundaries are introduced in…
Yashashree Kulkarni receives ASME 2017 Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award
Matthew Franchek, founding director of the UH Cullen College’s subsea engineering program, highlighted the dire need for big data analytics in deepwater oil and gas exploration in an OTC commentary published in FuelFix. Franchek’…
UH Subsea Engineering Director Pens OTC Commentary for FuelFix