There are a lot of decisionmaking trade-offs on the path to a sustainable future. Michael Kavanaugh, senior principal at Geosyntec Consultants Inc. and member of the National Academy of Engineering, visited the UH Cullen College…
A recent article published by lauds the University of Houston as an epicenter of energy and engineering education and research, calling the school “increasingly a rival to places like MIT in advancing not just cleaner…
In 1989, an Air Ontario flight, with ice and snow covering its wings during takeoff, fails to attain the proper altitude. Unable to get above the trees, it crashes into them, killing 25 passengers. In 1994, an American Eagle…
At the UH Cullen College of Engineering, undergrads are strongly encouraged to engage in hands-on, real-world research while pursuing their degrees – and there’s no shortage of cutting-edge research projects for undergraduate…
The Houston Chronicle recently profiled three UH engineers whose research is changing the world and shaping the future.
Venkat Selvamanickam, M.D. Anderson Chair Professor of mechanical engineering, was featured for his work with…
More than 200 UH undergraduate students presented their research at the 2016 Undergraduate Research Day held at the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion on October 13.
A total of 40 UH engineering students participated in the campus-…
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the Moon, met with University of Houston space architecture students on October 12 to hear their plans for establishing human settlements on Mars.
Space architecture…
Once upon a time you got your best action and science fiction fix from the movies.
“2001: A Space Odyssey” showed us how pedestrian structures on the moon might seem; Walt Disney brought us tiny robots called microbots in “Big…
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when women in manufacturing jobs were hard to come by. It wasn’t until World War II when, faced with a depleted workforce, American women rolled up their sleeves and went to work in…
Deep within a UH computer, models being built by Theocharis Baxevanis, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, just may cause a sea change in the aerospace industry. The hydro-mechanical system actuator, like an on/off…
One of the leading epidemics of modern society – the HIV virus and AIDS – is under the microscope at the UH Cullen College of Engineering.
“This virus deserves both the fear and the scientific scrutiny that has been showered on…
Deep within your body there exists donut-shaped objects – many of them, in fact. No, these donuts aren’t from the box of Shipley’s that mysteriously disappeared, despite the fact your diet had just started. These particular…
Tired of lugging that heavy laptop in your padded backpack? Here’s an idea: When you’re finished using your laptop, just roll it up, fold it, stick it in your back pocket and bolt. That’s the incredible future being created in a…
Just as the University of Houston kicks off another fall semester with expectations of record enrollment (more than 43,700 as of Friday), the Princeton Review is highlighting why more students are choosing Houston. The education…
The UH Cullen College of Engineering welcomes four National Academy of Engineering members to its faculty roster in the 2016- 2017 academic year, bringing the total number of NAE faculty members at the college to 13.
The latest…
The renowned University of Houston engineering professor John Lienhard, who heralds “how inventive minds work” as the creator and voice of the KUHF radio program The Engines of Our Ingenuity, is collaborating with ConocoPhillips…
Meysam Heydari Gharahcheshmeh, a materials engineering doctoral student at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, received a 2016 Graduate Study Fellowship in Applied Superconductivity from the Institute of Electrical and…
Imagine a battery that doesn't fit neatly into its appointed slot, one that's neither cylindrical nor square shaped, but perhaps as thin as a business card and as stretchy as Play Dough. If you can envision that, then you've just…
Most of us are quite comfortable to report that over summer vacation we participated in the typical leisure activities that recharge our scholastic batteries. Maybe we hung out at the beach, hung ten on a surfboard or hung ten…
At the University of Houston, graduate students aren’t the only ones diving into research this summer.
Undergraduate students are gaining hands on research experience through the UH Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF…