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The 2015 Cullen College of Engineering Alumni Awards Gala will be held at the Petroleum Club of Houston on Thursday, June 11, 2015. The annual event, hosted by the Engineering Alumni Association, recognizes the professional…
EAA Announces 2015 Gala Award Winners
A familiar face on the lunar surface, commonly called the “man in the Moon,” has inspired superstition and myth for generations on Earth, but scientists have concerned themselves more with theories about the geological origins of…
Professor Theorizes About Formation of Lava Beds on the Moon
Ashutosh Agrawal, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, has published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) that provides unprecedented fundamental…
Professor’s PNAS Article Gives New Insight Into the Role of Proteins in Executing Transport in Biological Cells
In the absence of materials that could withstand extreme heat generated by high speeds upon reentry to Earth’s atmosphere, engineers have designed blunt-edged spacecraft to slow their speeds and to thermally protect their…
Professor Develops Stronger Material for Spacecraft Construction
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is the world’s clear leader in establishing and standardizing subsea engineering education, research and policymaking. Faculty members in the subsea engineering program at UH are often sought…
ASME Magazine Taps into UH Subsea Engineering Experts
In the end, it’s all about the cars. But for students from the University of Houston and Elsik High School, the path to the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas 2015 has offered much more – learning, mentoring and the opportunity to put…
UH Students Revving Up for Shell Eco-Marathon
In a growing effort to build relationships between the Cullen College of Engineering and local schools, Pi Tau Sigma hosted a group of 50 grade school students from Gregg Elementary for their first annual “Engineering 101” day.…
PHOTOS: Pi Tau Sigma Hosts "Engineering 101"
Students at the University of Houston are eligible to participate in the Moscow Summer Intern Program as part of a student initiative of the Baker Institute Space Policy Program. The program is a wonderful opportunity for all UH…
Moscow Summer Intern Program for UH Engineering Students
M.S. Kalsi (MSME ’70, PhD ME ’75) has been a long-time supporter of the UH Cullen College of Engineering and its mechanical engineering department. Now, Kalsi is giving back to the Cullen College by establishing an endowed…
Alumnus Gives Back With Endowed Professorship
More than 1,300 middle school and high school students from Houston and across Southeast Texas will be on the University of Houston campus later this month for one of the nation’s largest competitive science and engineering fairs…
Science Engineering Fair Attracts Top Young Scientists and Engineers
Ashutosh Agrawal is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the Cullen College of Engineering, and he approaches teaching with a winning combination of traditional whiteboard lessons and novel, hands-on techniques.…
VIDEO: Teacher Feature Highlights Ashutosh Agrawal
Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. (, an engineering consulting firm based in Houston, established an endowed scholarship in the UH Cullen College of Engineering’s civil and environmental engineering department. The…
Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. Supports Cullen College With Scholarship Endowment
The University of Houston will lead a national research center for subsea engineering and other offshore energy development issues, including research and technology to improve the sustainable and safe development of energy…
UH Selected to Lead Offshore Energy Research Center
This fall, the American Society of Indian Engineers (ASIE) took notice of several Cullen College of Engineering students and awarded their academic excellence with scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. Mechanical…
American Society of Indian Engineers Recognizes Cullen College Students with Scholarships
The concept of power generation is conversion of heat to electricity, which is the prime form of energy. Until recently, the only methods available to harvest low-grade heat (<160 Fahrenheit) were thermoelectrics and organic…
Engineering Professor Publishes Three Papers Related to Harvesting Low-grade Heat Energy
Expensive and weighty metals play crucial roles in heat transfer applications because of their high thermal conductivity. For example, cases for cellular phones and some other electronics are made of metal rather than inexpensive…
Professor Publishes Paper on Polymers with High Thermal Conductivity
Silicon, despite inefficiencies, has been an effective electrical energy conversion and control material for hybrid-electric vehicles and numerous other power electronics. However, the semiconductor is reaching its physical…
Engineering Professor Earns Grant to Pursue Energy-Saving Semiconductors
A University of Houston researcher is trying a novel approach to create high efficiency, low cost solar cells in an effort to bring the cost down to that of traditional electricity sources. Venkat Selvamanickam, M.D. Anderson…
UH Researcher Wins $1.5 Million Federal Solar Energy Award
University of Houston Receives IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineering and ComputingAward Marks Site of 1987 Discovery of High Temperature Superconductivity On November 17, the University of Houston will receive an IEEE (…
University of Houston Receives IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing
The Mehta family has provided support to establish the Mehta Family Engineering Research Center on the ground floor of the University of Houston’s new Multidisciplinary Research and Engineering Building. The Mehta Family…
UH Creates Mehta Family Engineering Research Center